MARC21 Mapping
On this page you can find our mapping-tables, which are fed into our processing pipelines to generate Linked Data out of the raw source "MARC21" data.
bibliographic data
MARC21-Field(s) | Type | field | example | comments |
context.jsonld | URI | @context | | |
001 | URI | @id | | Used esmarc function: getid(): wrapper function for mapping for id2uri |
CreativeWork | URI | @type | | |
502$b 502$b 502$b 502$b | literal | Thesis | Darmstadt, Univ., Diss., 1927 | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
936 655$a 082 084 083 | list | about | [[{'@id': '', 'name': 'Biographie'}, {'@id': '', 'name': 'Bibliographie'}]] | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
about | None | None | None | None |
936 655$a 082 084 083 | object | about → identifier | {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'RVK', 'value': 'GF 5344'} | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655$a 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → @type | PropertyValue | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655$a 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → propertyID | RVK | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655$a 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → value | GF 5344 | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655$a 082 084 083 | list of literals | about → keywords | [Deutsche Literatur, Mittelhochdeutsche Klassik, Literaturgeschichte und Textsammlungen, Einzelne Autoren und Werke, Autoren und Denkmäler R, Rudolf von Ems, Sekundärliteratur] | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
about → keywords | None | None | None | None |
936 655$a 082 084 083 | URI | about → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
007 | literal | accessMode | online | Used esmarc function: get_accessmode(): get the accessMode (local, online) of the resource |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | list of objects | additionalInfo | [{'@type': 'otherNote', 'description': 'Verf. ermittelt'}, {'@type': 'originalLocationNote', 'holder': 'SLUB Dresden', 'originalShelfMark': 'Biogr.erud.D.2169.n'}] | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | URI | additionalInfo → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → @type | otherNote | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → count | Eins | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → dateCreated | 2000 | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → description | Verf. ermittelt | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → genre | Spielfilm | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → holder | SLUB Dresden | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → locationCreated | Frankreich | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → musicCompositionForm | Solo | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → name | Schüler | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | literal | additionalInfo → originalShelfMark | Biogr.erud.D.2169.n | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
535 500$0 533 515 521 502$b 538 555 546 385 511 561 937 518 508 242 563 | list of URIs | additionalInfo → sameAs | [,] | Used esmarc function: get_footnotes(): get additionalInfo based on the footnotes found in the MARC21-Records |
255 | object | cartographicData | {'scale': '1:1 200 000'} | Used esmarc function: get_cartData(): get the cartographic data out of the marc record |
255 | literal | cartographicData → coordinates | E21°00'-E21°10'/N53°18'-N53°24' | Used esmarc function: get_cartData(): get the cartographic data out of the marc record |
255 | literal | cartographicData → projection | Transverse Mercator projection | Used esmarc function: get_cartData(): get the cartographic data out of the marc record |
255 | literal | cartographicData → scale | 1:1 200 000 | Used esmarc function: get_cartData(): get the cartographic data out of the marc record |
050._0 084 082 082 | list of objects | classifications | [{'@type': 'CategoryCodeSet', '@id': '', 'name': 'Basisklassifikation', 'alternateName': ['BKL', 'BK'], 'sameAs': '', 'CategoryCodes': [{'@type': 'CategoryCode', '@id': '', 'codeValue': '44.01'}]}] | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | URI | classifications → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | literal | classifications → @type | CategoryCodeSet | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | list of objects | classifications → CategoryCodes | [{'@type': 'CategoryCode', '@id': '', 'codeValue': '44.01'}] | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | URI | classifications → CategoryCodes → → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | literal | classifications → CategoryCodes → → @type | CategoryCode | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | literal | classifications → CategoryCodes → → codeValue | 44.01 | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | list of literals | classifications → alternateName | [BKL, BK] | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | literal | classifications → name | Basisklassifikation | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
050._0 084 082 082 | URI | classifications → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_class(): create the classification object out of different MARC21 Fields |
084 935$a | list of objects | collection | [{'preferredName': 'SSG Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, Mittlere und neuere Kunstgeschichte bis 1945', 'abbr': '9,10'}] | Used esmarc function: get_collection(): get the collection description of the entity |
084 935$a | literal | collection → abbr | 9,10 | Used esmarc function: get_collection(): get the collection description of the entity |
084 935$a | literal | collection → preferredName | SSG Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft, Mittlere und neuere Kunstgeschichte bis 1945 | Used esmarc function: get_collection(): get the collection description of the entity |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | list of objects | contributor | [{'@type': 'Person', '@id': '', 'name': 'Maty, Matthew', 'sameAs': '', 'roles': [{'@type': 'Role', '@id': '', 'name': 'Author'}]}, {'@type': 'Person', '@id': '', 'name': 'Boerhaave, Herman', 'sameAs': '', 'roles': [{'@type': 'Role', '@id': '', 'name': 'Other'}]}, {'@type': 'Person', 'name': 'Reinhold, Theodor Gottlieb', 'roles': [{'@type': 'Role', '@id': '', 'name': 'Printer'}]}] | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | URI | contributor → @id | | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | literal | contributor → @type | Person | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | literal | contributor → name | Maty, Matthew | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | list of objects | contributor → roles | [{'@type': 'Role', '@id': '', 'name': 'Author'}] | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | URI | contributor → roles → → @id | | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | literal | contributor → roles → → @type | Role | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | literal | contributor → roles → → name | Author | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
700 711 710 110 100 111 | URI | contributor → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: handle_contributor(): creates an contributor object out of 110,111,710,711 fields |
005 | literal | dateModified | 2022-05-28T14:05:34Z | Used esmarc function: getdateModified(): get the DateModified field from the MARC21-Record, date of the last modification of the MARC21-Record |
008 264 533 534 | object | datePublished | {'dateOrigin': '2010', 'dateParsed': '2010'} | Used esmarc function: datePublished(): reads different MARC21 Fields to determine when the entity behind this record got published |
008 264 533 534 | literal | datePublished → dateOrigin | 2010 | Used esmarc function: datePublished(): reads different MARC21 Fields to determine when the entity behind this record got published |
008 264 533 534 | literal | datePublished → dateParsed | 2010 | Used esmarc function: datePublished(): reads different MARC21 Fields to determine when the entity behind this record got published |
008 264 533 534 | literal | datePublished → dateParsedEarliest | 1992 | Used esmarc function: datePublished(): reads different MARC21 Fields to determine when the entity behind this record got published |
008 264 533 534 | literal | datePublished → dateParsedLatest | 1997 | Used esmarc function: datePublished(): reads different MARC21 Fields to determine when the entity behind this record got published |
520$a | literal | description | This paper accounts for the observed increase in unemployment duration relative to the unemployment rate in the U.S. over the past thirty years, typified by the record low level of short-term unemployment. We show that part of the increase is due to changes in how duration is measured, a consequence of the 1994 Current Population Survey redesign. Another part is due to the passage of the baby boomers into their prime working years. After accounting for these shifts, most of the remaining increase in unemployment duration relative to the unemployment rate is concentrated among women, whose unemployment rate has fallen sharply in the last two decades while their unemployment duration has increased. Using labor market transition data, we show that this is a consequence of the increase in women's labor force attachment | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
362 | literal | editionSequence | 1991/92(1992) - 1992/93(1993); 1995/96(1996) - 1996/97(1997) | Used esmarc function: geteditionSequence(): gets the information about the edition sequence out of field 362$a |
250 | literal | editionStatement | New ed., prepared by Betty Kirkpatrick. 10. impr. | Used esmarc function: geteditionStatement(): gets the information about the edition statements out of field 250$ab |
655$a | list of objects | genre | [{'@type': 'Text', 'Text': ['Biographie', 'Bibliographie']}] | Used esmarc function: getgenre(): gets the genre and builds a node out of it |
655$a | literal | genre → @type | Text | Used esmarc function: getgenre(): gets the genre and builds a node out of it |
655$a | list of literals | genre → Text | [Biographie, Bibliographie] | Used esmarc function: getgenre(): gets the genre and builds a node out of it |
026 035 785 772 800 770 020 022 811 780 088 787 776 775 510 810 028 030 830 773$q 015 024 | list of objects | identifiedBy | [{'@type': 'VD-18', 'validValues': ['VD18 10232028']}, {'@type': 'OCLC', 'validValues': ['699625987']}] | Used esmarc function: get_identifiedby(): get various identifiers (ISBN,ISSN,ISMN,quotations,others) of the resource |
026 035 785 772 800 770 020 022 811 780 088 787 776 775 510 810 028 030 830 773$q 015 024 | literal | identifiedBy → @type | VD-18 | Used esmarc function: get_identifiedby(): get various identifiers (ISBN,ISSN,ISMN,quotations,others) of the resource |
026 035 785 772 800 770 020 022 811 780 088 787 776 775 510 810 028 030 830 773$q 015 024 | list of literals | identifiedBy → invalidValues | [3881322949] | Used esmarc function: get_identifiedby(): get various identifiers (ISBN,ISSN,ISMN,quotations,others) of the resource |
026 035 785 772 800 770 020 022 811 780 088 787 776 775 510 810 028 030 830 773$q 015 024 | list of literals | identifiedBy → label | [Pl.-Nr.] | Used esmarc function: get_identifiedby(): get various identifiers (ISBN,ISSN,ISMN,quotations,others) of the resource |
026 035 785 772 800 770 020 022 811 780 088 787 776 775 510 810 028 030 830 773$q 015 024 | list of literals | identifiedBy → publisher | [Litera] | Used esmarc function: get_identifiedby(): get various identifiers (ISBN,ISSN,ISMN,quotations,others) of the resource |
026 035 785 772 800 770 020 022 811 780 088 787 776 775 510 810 028 030 830 773$q 015 024 | list of literals | identifiedBy → relatedValues | [0170-9143] | Used esmarc function: get_identifiedby(): get various identifiers (ISBN,ISSN,ISMN,quotations,others) of the resource |
026 035 785 772 800 770 020 022 811 780 088 787 776 775 510 810 028 030 830 773$q 015 024 | list of literals | identifiedBy → validValues | [VD18 10232028] | Used esmarc function: get_identifiedby(): get various identifiers (ISBN,ISSN,ISMN,quotations,others) of the resource |
024 | list of objects | identifier | [{'@id': '', '@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'urn', 'value': 'urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-ppn3219594852'}] | Used esmarc function: handle_identifier(): gets various identifiers from field 024 of the resource |
024 | URI | identifier → @id | | Used esmarc function: handle_identifier(): gets various identifiers from field 024 of the resource |
024 | literal | identifier → @type | PropertyValue | Used esmarc function: handle_identifier(): gets various identifiers from field 024 of the resource |
024 | literal | identifier → propertyID | urn | Used esmarc function: handle_identifier(): gets various identifiers from field 024 of the resource |
024 | literal | identifier → value | urn:nbn:de:bsz:14-ppn3219594852 | Used esmarc function: handle_identifier(): gets various identifiers from field 024 of the resource |
001 079$b | URI | isBasedOn | | |
773$q 245$a | list of objects | isPartOf | [{'@id': '', 'position': '2', 'mainTitle': 'Zur Kenntnis und Würdigung der Mittelalterlichen Altäre Deutschlands', 'partStatement': '2 Mit 100 photogr. Tafeln', 'name': 'Zur Kenntnis und Würdigung der Mittelalterlichen Altäre Deutschlands. 2 Mit 100 photogr. Tafeln'}] | Used esmarc function: get_ispartof(): gets the information if the resource is part of a another resource |
773$q 245$a | URI | isPartOf → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_ispartof(): gets the information if the resource is part of a another resource |
773$q 245$a | literal | isPartOf → displayLabel | In | Used esmarc function: get_ispartof(): gets the information if the resource is part of a another resource |
773$q 245$a | literal | isPartOf → mainTitle | Zur Kenntnis und Würdigung der Mittelalterlichen Altäre Deutschlands | Used esmarc function: get_ispartof(): gets the information if the resource is part of a another resource |
773$q 245$a | literal | isPartOf → name | Zur Kenntnis und Würdigung der Mittelalterlichen Altäre Deutschlands. 2 Mit 100 photogr. Tafeln | Used esmarc function: get_ispartof(): gets the information if the resource is part of a another resource |
773$q 245$a | literal | isPartOf → partStatement | 2 Mit 100 photogr. Tafeln | Used esmarc function: get_ispartof(): gets the information if the resource is part of a another resource |
773$q 245$a | literal | isPartOf → position | 2 | Used esmarc function: get_ispartof(): gets the information if the resource is part of a another resource |
773$q 245$a | literal | isPartOf → publisherNote | Celle : Moeck, 1976 | Used esmarc function: get_ispartof(): gets the information if the resource is part of a another resource |
041$a | list of objects | language | [{'@type': 'CategoryCode', '@id': '', 'codeValue': 'ger', 'name': {'en': 'German', 'de': 'Deutsch'}, 'inCodeSet': ''}] | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | URI | language → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | literal | language → @type | CategoryCode | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | literal | language → codeValue | ger | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | URI | language → inCodeSet | | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | object | language → name | {'en': 'German', 'de': 'Deutsch'} | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | literal | language → name → → de | Deutsch | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | literal | language → name → → en | German | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
540$a | literal | license | Public Domain Mark 1.0 | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
751 | list of objects | location | [{'@type': 'Publication place', 'preferredName': 'Leipzig', '@id': ''}, {'@type': 'Publication place', 'preferredName': 'Freiberg', '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: getPublishLocation(): produeces a location node for the publication places |
751 | URI | location → @id | | Used esmarc function: getPublishLocation(): produeces a location node for the publication places |
751 | literal | location → @type | Publication place | Used esmarc function: getPublishLocation(): produeces a location node for the publication places |
751 | literal | location → preferredName | Leipzig | Used esmarc function: getPublishLocation(): produeces a location node for the publication places |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | list of objects | mentions | [{'@type': 'Genre', '@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Biographie', 'name': 'Biographie'}, {'@type': 'Genre', '@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Bibliographie', 'name': 'Bibliographie'}, {'@type': 'Person', 'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Boerhaave, Herman', 'name': 'Boerhaave, Herman', 'date': '1668-1738'}] | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | URI | mentions → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | literal | mentions → @type | Genre | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | literal | mentions → additionalInformation | Bauelement | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | literal | mentions → date | 1668-1738 | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | literal | mentions → name | Biographie | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | list of literals | mentions → position | [5.] | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | literal | mentions → preferredName | Biographie | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
610 655$a 611 689 600 648 630 650 651 653 | URI | mentions → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_mentions(): creates the mentions array out of different MARC21 Fields |
300$g 300$g 300$g 300$g 300$g 300$g 300$g | None | numberOfPages | 7 | Used esmarc function: getnumberofpages(): get the number of pages and sanitizes the field into an atomar integer |
001 924$b | object | offers | {'@type': 'Offer', 'offeredBy': {'@id': '', '@type': 'Library', 'name': 'Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden', 'branchCode': 'DE-14'}, 'availability': ''} | Used esmarc function: getav_katalog(): produce a link to for availability information |
001 924$b | literal | offers → @type | Offer | Used esmarc function: getav_katalog(): produce a link to for availability information |
001 924$b | URI | offers → availability | | Used esmarc function: getav_katalog(): produce a link to for availability information |
001 924$b | object | offers → offeredBy | {'@id': '', '@type': 'Library', 'name': 'Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden', 'branchCode': 'DE-14'} | Used esmarc function: getav_katalog(): produce a link to for availability information |
001 924$b | URI | offers → offeredBy → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getav_katalog(): produce a link to for availability information |
001 924$b | literal | offers → offeredBy → → @type | Library | Used esmarc function: getav_katalog(): produce a link to for availability information |
001 924$b | literal | offers → offeredBy → → branchCode | DE-14 | Used esmarc function: getav_katalog(): produce a link to for availability information |
001 924$b | literal | offers → offeredBy → → name | Sächsische Landesbibliothek – Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Dresden | Used esmarc function: getav_katalog(): produce a link to for availability information |
041$a | list of objects | originalLanguage | [{'@type': 'CategoryCode', '@id': '', 'codeValue': 'yid', 'name': {'en': 'Yiddish', 'de': 'Jiddisch'}, 'inCodeSet': ''}] | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | URI | originalLanguage → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | literal | originalLanguage → @type | CategoryCode | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | literal | originalLanguage → codeValue | yid | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | URI | originalLanguage → inCodeSet | | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | object | originalLanguage → name | {'en': 'Yiddish', 'de': 'Jiddisch'} | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | literal | originalLanguage → name → → de | Jiddisch | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
041$a | literal | originalLanguage → name → → en | Yiddish | Used esmarc function: get_language(): get the language of the bibliographic record and make an RDF Object out of it using lookups |
264 533 | list of objects | originalPublisher | [{'@type': 'Organization', 'name': 'Reinhold', 'location': {'@type': 'Place', 'name': 'Leipzig, Freyberg'}}] | Used esmarc function: getoriginalPublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | literal | originalPublisher → @type | Organization | Used esmarc function: getoriginalPublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | object | originalPublisher → location | {'@type': 'Place', 'name': 'Leipzig, Freyberg'} | Used esmarc function: getoriginalPublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | literal | originalPublisher → location → → @type | Place | Used esmarc function: getoriginalPublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | literal | originalPublisher → location → → name | Leipzig, Freyberg | Used esmarc function: getoriginalPublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | literal | originalPublisher → name | Reinhold | Used esmarc function: getoriginalPublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
773$q | literal | pageStart | 2 | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
810 811 830 776 800 | list of objects | partOfSeries | [{'@id': '', 'name': 'Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts'}] | Used esmarc function: get_partseries(): gets the information if the resource is part of a series |
810 811 830 776 800 | URI | partOfSeries → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_partseries(): gets the information if the resource is part of a series |
810 811 830 776 800 | literal | partOfSeries → name | Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts | Used esmarc function: get_partseries(): gets the information if the resource is part of a series |
810 811 830 776 800 | literal | partOfSeries → position | 57 | Used esmarc function: get_partseries(): gets the information if the resource is part of a series |
300$g 533 | object | physical_description | {'extent': '[16] Bl., 160 S.', 'dimensions': '8o', 'reproduction_extent': 'Online-Ressource'} | Used esmarc function: get_physical(): get the physical description of the entity |
300$g 533 | literal | physical_description → accompanying_material | 4 St. | Used esmarc function: get_physical(): get the physical description of the entity |
300$g 533 | literal | physical_description → dimensions | 8o | Used esmarc function: get_physical(): get the physical description of the entity |
300$g 533 | literal | physical_description → extent | [16] Bl., 160 S. | Used esmarc function: get_physical(): get the physical description of the entity |
300$g 533 | literal | physical_description → physical_details | graph. Darst. | Used esmarc function: get_physical(): get the physical description of the entity |
300$g 533 | literal | physical_description → reproduction_extent | Online-Ressource | Used esmarc function: get_physical(): get the physical description of the entity |
245$a 245$a | literal | preferredName | Versuch über den Character des Grossen Arztes, oder Kritische Lebensbeschreibung Herrn D. Herrmann Boerhaves nebst einem Verzeichnisse der Boerhavischen Schriften | Used esmarc function: getName(): get the name of the record |
264 533 | list of objects | publisher | [{'@type': 'Organization', 'name': 'SLUB', 'location': {'@type': 'Place', 'name': 'Dresden'}}] | Used esmarc function: getpublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | literal | publisher → @type | Organization | Used esmarc function: getpublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | object | publisher → location | {'@type': 'Place', 'name': 'Dresden'} | Used esmarc function: getpublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | literal | publisher → location → → @type | Place | Used esmarc function: getpublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | literal | publisher → location → → name | Dresden | Used esmarc function: getpublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
264 533 | literal | publisher → name | SLUB | Used esmarc function: getpublisher(): produces a Publisher-node out of two different MARC21-Fields |
711 | list of objects | relatedEvent | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'KTB-Schwerpunkt-Kolloquium', 'position': '7'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
711 | URI | relatedEvent → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
711 | literal | relatedEvent → name | KTB-Schwerpunkt-Kolloquium | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
711 | literal | relatedEvent → position | 7 | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
711 | URI | relatedEvent → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
780 776 785 772 787 775 770 | list of objects | relations | [{'@id': '', 'name': 'Versuch über den Character des Grossen Arztes, oder Kritische Lebensbeschreibung Herrn D. Herrmann Boerhaves / Maty, Matthew, 1718 - 1776', 'relationType': 'Druckausg.'}] | Used esmarc function: get_relations(): get the relations between one resource to another |
780 776 785 772 787 775 770 | URI | relations → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_relations(): get the relations between one resource to another |
780 776 785 772 787 775 770 | literal | relations → name | Versuch über den Character des Grossen Arztes, oder Kritische Lebensbeschreibung Herrn D. Herrmann Boerhaves / Maty, Matthew, 1718 - 1776 | Used esmarc function: get_relations(): get the relations between one resource to another |
780 776 785 772 787 775 770 | literal | relations → relationType | Druckausg. | Used esmarc function: get_relations(): get the relations between one resource to another |
533 | list of objects | reproductionSeriesStatement | [{'name': ['VD18 digital', 'Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts']}] | Used esmarc function: get_reproductionSeriesStatement(): get the reproductionSeriesStatement |
533 | list of literals | reproductionSeriesStatement → name | [VD18 digital, Drucke des 18. Jahrhunderts] | Used esmarc function: get_reproductionSeriesStatement(): get the reproductionSeriesStatement |
533 | literal | reproductionType | Online-Ausg. | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
035 016 | list of objects | sameAs | [{'@id': '', 'publisher': {'preferredName': 'K10Plus', '@id': '', 'abbr': 'KXP'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}, {'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Bibliotheksservice-Zentrum Baden-Württemberg (BSZ)', 'abbr': 'BSZ'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}] | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
035 016 | URI | sameAs → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
035 016 | object | sameAs → isBasedOn | {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
035 016 | URI | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
035 016 | literal | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @type | Dataset | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
035 016 | object | sameAs → publisher | {'preferredName': 'K10Plus', '@id': '', 'abbr': 'KXP'} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
035 016 | URI | sameAs → publisher → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
035 016 | literal | sameAs → publisher → → abbr | KXP | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
035 016 | literal | sameAs → publisher → → preferredName | K10Plus | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
490 | list of objects | seriesStatement | [{'name': 'Klett-Lektürehilfen'}] | Used esmarc function: get_seriesStatement(): gets the information about series and hierachries, will only be filled if the resource isn't linked or isn't counted |
490 | literal | seriesStatement → name | Klett-Lektürehilfen | Used esmarc function: get_seriesStatement(): gets the information about series and hierachries, will only be filled if the resource isn't linked or isn't counted |
490 | literal | seriesStatement → position | no. w8513 | Used esmarc function: get_seriesStatement(): gets the information about series and hierachries, will only be filled if the resource isn't linked or isn't counted |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | object | title | {'preferredName': 'Versuch über den Character des Grossen Arztes, oder Kritische Lebensbeschreibung Herrn D. Herrmann Boerhaves : nebst einem Verzeichnisse der Boerhavischen Schriften / [Matthew Maty]', 'mainTitle': 'Versuch über den Character des Grossen Arztes, oder Kritische Lebensbeschreibung Herrn D. Herrmann Boerhaves', 'subTitle': 'nebst einem Verzeichnisse der Boerhavischen Schriften', 'responsibilityStatement': '[Matthew Maty]'} | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | object | title → additionalInfo | {'enclosedParts': {'preferredName': 'Diogenis Laertii Vita Platonis'}} | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | object | title → additionalInfo → → enclosedParts | {'preferredName': 'Diogenis Laertii Vita Platonis'} | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → additionalInfo → → enclosedParts → → → contributor | Jiří Matys | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → additionalInfo → → enclosedParts → → → note | Kurzfilm, Frankreich, 1955 | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → additionalInfo → → enclosedParts → → → preferredName | Diogenis Laertii Vita Platonis | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → additionalInfo → → notes | Diskogr. S. 192 - 208 | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | list of objects | title → formerTitles | [{'preferredName': 'Organ der VDI-Gesellschaft Produktionstechnik (VDI-ADB)', 'disambiguatingDescription': '1. Zusatz anfangs'}] | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → formerTitles → → disambiguatingDescription | 1. Zusatz anfangs | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → formerTitles → → preferredName | Organ der VDI-Gesellschaft Produktionstechnik (VDI-ADB) | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → mainTitle | Versuch über den Character des Grossen Arztes, oder Kritische Lebensbeschreibung Herrn D. Herrmann Boerhaves | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | object | title → otherPartsTitle | {'mainTitle': 'Cum specimine annotationum Jo. Henrici Boecleri ... in eandem. Accesserunt diplomata, et documenta varia, rebus Friderici III. illustrandis : ut et figurae, imagines, nummi', 'preferredName': 'Cum specimine annotationum Jo. Henrici Boecleri ... in eandem. Accesserunt diplomata, et documenta varia, rebus Friderici III. illustrandis : ut et figurae, imagines, nummi'} | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → otherPartsTitle → → mainTitle | Cum specimine annotationum Jo. Henrici Boecleri ... in eandem. Accesserunt diplomata, et documenta varia, rebus Friderici III. illustrandis : ut et figurae, imagines, nummi | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → otherPartsTitle → → preferredName | Cum specimine annotationum Jo. Henrici Boecleri ... in eandem. Accesserunt diplomata, et documenta varia, rebus Friderici III. illustrandis : ut et figurae, imagines, nummi | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → otherPartsTitle → → responsibilityStatement | Dieter Bloch | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → otherPartsTitle → → subTitle | Theodor Fontane | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | list of objects | title → parallelTitles | [{'mainTitle': 'Song's d'amour'}, {'mainTitle': 'Dreams of love'}] | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → parallelTitles → → mainTitle | Song's d'amour | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → parallelTitles → → preferredName | Magdeburský seminár o ochraně vod 2014 : stav vod v povodí Labe - nové výzvy; [sborník] | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → parallelTitles → → subTitle | stav vod v povodí Labe - nové výzvy; [sborník] | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | list of literals | title → partStatement | [2 Mit 100 photogr. Tafeln] | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → preferredName | Versuch über den Character des Grossen Arztes, oder Kritische Lebensbeschreibung Herrn D. Herrmann Boerhaves : nebst einem Verzeichnisse der Boerhavischen Schriften / [Matthew Maty] | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → responsibilityStatement | [Matthew Maty] | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → shortTitle | Nova Hedwigia | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → subTitle | nebst einem Verzeichnisse der Boerhavischen Schriften | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | list of objects | title → uniformTitles | [{'preferredName': 'Last expedition | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | URI | title → uniformTitles → → @id | | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → uniformTitles → → preferredName | Last expedition | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | list of URIs | title → uniformTitles → → sameAs | [,] | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | object | title → varyingTitles | {'preferredName': 'Vita Platonis'} | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → varyingTitles → → disambiguatingDescription | Ansetzungssachtitel | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
700 711 246 710 240 501 245$a 505 730 130 210 247 249 | literal | title → varyingTitles → → preferredName | Vita Platonis | Used esmarc function: gettitle(): create the title object out of different MARC21 Fields |
506.* 540$a | list of objects | usageInfo | [{'@type': 'accessState', 'name': 'Open Access', 'sameAs': ''}, {'@type': 'licenceState', 'name': 'Public Domain Mark 1.0', 'alternateName': 'PDM 1.0', 'sameAs': ''}] | Used esmarc function: get_usageInfo(): get the usage info of the resource |
506.* 540$a | literal | usageInfo → @type | accessState | Used esmarc function: get_usageInfo(): get the usage info of the resource |
506.* 540$a | literal | usageInfo → alternateName | PDM 1.0 | Used esmarc function: get_usageInfo(): get the usage info of the resource |
506.* 540$a | literal | usageInfo → name | Open Access | Used esmarc function: get_usageInfo(): get the usage info of the resource |
506.* 540$a | URI | usageInfo → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_usageInfo(): get the usage info of the resource |
authority data
MARC21-Field(s) | Type | field | example | comments |
context.jsonld | URI | @context | | |
001 | URI | @id | | Used esmarc function: getid(): wrapper function for mapping for id2uri |
Person | URI | @type | | |
936 655 082 084 083 | list of objects | about | [{'identifier': {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '351'}, '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | URI | about → @id | | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | object | about → identifier | {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '351'} | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → @type | PropertyValue | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → propertyID | DDC | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → value | 351 | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | list of literals | about → name | [Geschichte] | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
400$c 400$c | list of literals | alternateName | [Paul, Herman J., Paul, H. J., Paul, Hendrik Jan] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | birthDate | {'@value': '1961', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Lebensdaten', 'description': '1961-'} | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | birthDate → @value | 1961 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | birthDate → description | 1961- | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | birthDate → disambiguatingDescription | Lebensdaten | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | birthPlace | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'München', 'description': 'Geburtsort'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | birthPlace → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | birthPlace → description | Geburtsort | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | birthPlace → name | München | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | birthPlace → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
enriched by external script | object | category | {'en': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '20th-century Chinese scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '20th-century chemists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '20th-century women scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '21st-century Chinese scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '21st-century chemists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '21st-century women scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles containing Chinese-language text'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with GND identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with Google Scholar identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with ISNI identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with LCCN identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with Scopus identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WORLDCATID identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with hCards'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with short description'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Atmospheric chemists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Ball State University alumni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Chemists from Shanghai'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Chinese women chemists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'East China Normal University alumni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Expatriate academics in the United States'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Fellows of the American Geophysical Union'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Georgia Tech alumni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Georgia Tech faculty'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Living people'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'NASA people'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pages containing links to subscription-only content'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': ''s_Republic_of_China_emigrants_to_the_United_States', 'name': 'People's Republic of China emigrants to the United States'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Sent-down youths'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Short description matches Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Source attribution'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Wikipedia articles incorporating text from NASA'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Women atmospheric scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Year of birth missing (living people)'}]} | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → cs | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Monitoring:Reference z Wikidat'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_BNF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem BNF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_Biblio', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem Biblio'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_GND', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem GND'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_ISNI', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem ISNI'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_LCCN', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem LCCN'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_MusicBrainz', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem MusicBrainz'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_NKC', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem NKC'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_NLP', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem NLP'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_PLWABN', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem PLWABN'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_SELIBR', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem SELIBR'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_SNAC-ID', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem SNAC-ID'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_WORLDCATID', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem WORLDCATID'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_1838', 'name': 'Narození 1838'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_21._března', 'name': 'Narození 21. března'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_v_Brně', 'name': 'Narození v Brně'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Údržba:Doplnit_štítek_na_Wikidatech', 'name': 'Údržba:Doplnit štítek na Wikidatech'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Úmrtí_15._dubna', 'name': 'Úmrtí 15. dubna'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Úmrtí_1911', 'name': 'Úmrtí 1911'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Čeští_houslisté', 'name': 'Čeští houslisté'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Ženy', 'name': 'Ženy'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → cs → → name | Monitoring:Reference z Wikidat | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → de | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Fotograf (Polen)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ünstler', 'name': 'Fotokünstler'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Frau'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Geboren 1937'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Gestorben 2022'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ünstler_der_feministischen_Kunst', 'name': 'Künstler der feministischen Kunst'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pole'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → de → → name | Fotograf (Polen) | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → en | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '20th-century Chinese scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '20th-century chemists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '20th-century women scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '21st-century Chinese scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '21st-century chemists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '21st-century women scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles containing Chinese-language text'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with GND identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with Google Scholar identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with ISNI identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with LCCN identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with Scopus identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WORLDCATID identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with hCards'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with short description'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Atmospheric chemists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Ball State University alumni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Chemists from Shanghai'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Chinese women chemists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'East China Normal University alumni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Expatriate academics in the United States'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Fellows of the American Geophysical Union'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Georgia Tech alumni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Georgia Tech faculty'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Living people'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'NASA people'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pages containing links to subscription-only content'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': ''s_Republic_of_China_emigrants_to_the_United_States', 'name': 'People's Republic of China emigrants to the United States'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Sent-down youths'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Short description matches Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Source attribution'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Wikipedia articles incorporating text from NASA'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Women atmospheric scientists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Year of birth missing (living people)'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → en → → name | 20th-century Chinese scientists | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → pl | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ęknych_im._Eugeniusza_Gepperta_we_Wrocławiu', 'name': 'Absolwenci Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ści_intermedialni', 'name': 'Artyści intermedialni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ści_związani_z_Wrocławiem', 'name': 'Artyści związani z Wrocławiem'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'łonkowie_Związku_Polskich_Artystów_Fotografików', 'name': 'Członkowie Związku Polskich Artystów Fotografików'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '„Zasłużony_Kulturze_Gloria_Artis”', 'name': 'Odznaczeni Srebrnym Medalem „Zasłużony Kulturze Gloria Artis”'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ści_konceptualni', 'name': 'Polscy artyści konceptualni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ółcześni', 'name': 'Polscy fotografowie współcześni'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Polscy performerzy'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ści', 'name': 'Polskie feministki i feminiści'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Urodzeni w 1937'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Zmarli w 2022'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → pl → → name | Absolwenci Akademii Sztuk Pięknych im. Eugeniusza Gepperta we Wrocławiu | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → sameAs |ęknych_im._Eugeniusza_Gepperta_we_Wrocławiu | |
500$0 | object | children | {'name': 'Illig, Joh. Georg Andreas', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | children → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | children → name | Illig, Joh. Georg Andreas | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | children → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | object | colleague | {'name': 'Bell, Alexander Graham', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | colleague → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | colleague → name | Bell, Alexander Graham | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | colleague → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | object | contributor | {'name': 'Kneser, Hellmuth', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | contributor → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | contributor → name | Kneser, Hellmuth | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | contributor → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
008 | literal | dateCreated | 2020-07-06 | Used esmarc function: handle_dateCreated(): get the dateCreated field from the MARC21-Record |
005 | literal | dateModified | 2021-07-11T21:56:00Z | Used esmarc function: getdateModified(): get the DateModified field from the MARC21-Record, date of the last modification of the MARC21-Record |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | deathDate | {'@value': '1928', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Lebensdaten', 'description': '1878-1928'} | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | deathDate → @value | 1928 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | deathDate → description | 1878-1928 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | deathDate → disambiguatingDescription | Lebensdaten | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | deathPlace | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Wien', 'description': 'Sterbeort'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | deathPlace → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | deathPlace → description | Sterbeort | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | deathPlace → name | Wien | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | deathPlace → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
500$0 | object | follows | {'name': 'Johann Christian Kleyb Witwe', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | follows → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | follows → name | Johann Christian Kleyb Witwe | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | follows → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
550 | list of objects | hasOccupation | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Jurist', 'description': 'Charakteristischer Beruf'}, {'name': 'Dr. jur.', 'description': 'Akademischer Grad'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 | URI | hasOccupation → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 | literal | hasOccupation → description | Charakteristischer Beruf | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 | literal | hasOccupation → name | Jurist | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 | URI | hasOccupation → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 550 | list of objects | honorificPrefix | [{'name': 'Dr. jur.', 'description': 'Akademischer Grad'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
550 550 | URI | honorificPrefix → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
550 550 | literal | honorificPrefix → description | Akademischer Grad | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
550 550 | literal | honorificPrefix → name | Dr. jur. | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
550 550 | URI | honorificPrefix → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4() gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
001 | literal | identifier | 1703741447 | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
001 079$b | URI | isBasedOn | | |
500$0 | object | knows | {'name': 'Bebel, Heinrich', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | knows → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | knows → name | Bebel, Heinrich | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | knows → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
enriched by external script | object | name | {'en': ['Mian Chin']} | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → cs | [Vilemína Nerudová] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → de | [Natalia LL] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → en | [Mian Chin] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → pl | [Natalia LL] | |
500$0 | object | parent | {'name': 'Hempel, Abraham'} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | parent → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | parent → name | Hempel, Abraham | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | parent → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | periodOfActivityEnd | {'@value': '1602', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Wirkungsdaten', 'description': '1599-1602'} | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | periodOfActivityEnd → @value | 1602 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | periodOfActivityEnd → description | 1599-1602 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | periodOfActivityEnd → disambiguatingDescription | Wirkungsdaten | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | periodOfActivityStart | {'@value': '1599', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Wirkungsdaten', 'description': '1599-1602'} | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | periodOfActivityStart → @value | 1599 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | periodOfActivityStart → description | 1599-1602 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | periodOfActivityStart → disambiguatingDescription | Wirkungsdaten | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
100$a | literal | preferredName | Graupe, Johannes | Used esmarc function: getName(): get the name of the record |
500$0 | object | recipent | {'name': 'Bullinger, Heinrich', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | recipent → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | recipent → name | Bullinger, Heinrich | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | recipent → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | list of objects | relatedTo | [{'name': 'Bose, Karl', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | relatedTo → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | relatedTo → name | Bose, Karl | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | relatedTo → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
670$u 035$a | list of objects | sameAs | [{'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}, {'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'K10Plus', 'abbr': 'KXP'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}] | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → isBasedOn | {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @type | Dataset | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → publisher | {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → publisher → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → abbr | DNB | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → preferredName | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
500$0 | object | sibling | {'name': 'Wolfsohn, Helene', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | sibling → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | sibling → name | Wolfsohn, Helene | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | sibling → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | object | spouse | {'name': 'Illig, Anna Maria'} | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | spouse → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | spouse → name | Illig, Anna Maria | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | spouse → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | workLocation | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Jena', 'description': 'Wirkungsort'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | workLocation → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | workLocation → description | Wirkungsort | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | workLocation → name | Jena | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | workLocation → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
MARC21-Field(s) | Type | field | example | comments |
context.jsonld | URI | @context | | |
001 | URI | @id | | Used esmarc function: getid(): wrapper function for mapping for id2uri |
Organization | URI | @type | | |
936 655 082 084 083 | list of objects | about | [{'identifier': {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '49452'}, '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | URI | about → @id | | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | object | about → identifier | {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '49452'} | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → @type | PropertyValue | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → propertyID | DDC | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → value | 49452 | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
550 | object | additionalType | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Verlag', 'description': 'Oberbegriff instantiell'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
550 | URI | additionalType → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
550 | literal | additionalType → description | Oberbegriff instantiell | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
550 | literal | additionalType → name | Verlag | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
550 | URI | additionalType → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
410$ab | list of literals | alternateName | [Yuasa-Denchi-Kabushiki-Kaisha, Yuasa Battery Co., Yuasa Corporation] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | areaServed | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'USA', 'description': 'Wirkungsraum'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | areaServed → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | areaServed → description | Wirkungsraum | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | areaServed → name | USA | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | areaServed → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
enriched by external script | object | category | {'de': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ündet_1973', 'name': 'Gegründet 1973'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Organisation (Cuxhaven)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Organisation (Nordsee)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Umweltschutzorganisation (Deutschland)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Verein (Landkreis Cuxhaven)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ückenhaft', 'name': 'Wikipedia:Lückenhaft'}]} | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → cs | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'é_hiphopové_skupiny', 'name': 'Americké hiphopové skupiny'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ě', 'name': 'Dvojice v hudbě'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_skupiny_1980–1989', 'name': 'Hudební skupiny 1980–1989'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_skupiny_1990–1999', 'name': 'Hudební skupiny 1990–1999'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_skupiny_2000–2009', 'name': 'Hudební skupiny 2000–2009'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_skupiny_2010–2019', 'name': 'Hudební skupiny 2010–2019'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_skupiny_založené_v_roce_1986', 'name': 'Hudební skupiny založené v roce 1986'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_BIBSYS', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem BIBSYS'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_BNF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem BNF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_GND', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem GND'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_ISNI', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem ISNI'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_LCCN', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem LCCN'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_MusicBrainz', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem MusicBrainz'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_NKC', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem NKC'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_WORLDCATID', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem WORLDCATID'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ě', 'name': 'Trojice v hudbě'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → cs → → name | Americké hiphopové skupiny | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → sameAs |é_hiphopové_skupiny | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → de | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ündet_1973', 'name': 'Gegründet 1973'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Organisation (Cuxhaven)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Organisation (Nordsee)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Umweltschutzorganisation (Deutschland)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Verein (Landkreis Cuxhaven)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ückenhaft', 'name': 'Wikipedia:Lückenhaft'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → de → → name | Gegründet 1973 | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → sameAs |ündet_1973 | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → en | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '1947 establishments in Mississippi'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'American funk musical groups'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'American rhythm and blues musical groups'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'American soul musical groups'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with LCCN identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with MusicBrainz identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WORLDCATID identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with hCards'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with multiple identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with short description'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'CS1 maint: others'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Chess Records artists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Cobra Records artists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Federal Records artists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Ike & Tina Turner members'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Modern Records artists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Musical backing groups'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Musical groups established in 1947'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Musical groups from St. Louis'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Nightclub performers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pages using infobox musical artist with associated acts'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pompeii Records artists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'RPM Records (United States) artists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Rock music groups from Mississippi'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Short description is different from Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Sonja Records artists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'United Artists Records artists'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Use mdy dates from December 2019'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → en → → name | 1947 establishments in Mississippi | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → pl | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ńskie_boysbandy', 'name': 'Amerykańskie boysbandy'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ńskie_zespoły_rhythmandbluesowe', 'name': 'Amerykańskie zespoły rhythmandbluesowe'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ły_z_brakującymi_przypisami_od_2021-07', 'name': 'Artykuły z brakującymi przypisami od 2021-07'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → pl → → name | Amerykańskie boysbandy | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → sameAs |ńskie_boysbandy | |
008 | literal | dateCreated | 2012-04-18 | Used esmarc function: handle_dateCreated(): get the dateCreated field from the MARC21-Record |
005 | literal | dateModified | 2020-04-17T21:17:00Z | Used esmarc function: getdateModified(): get the DateModified field from the MARC21-Record, date of the last modification of the MARC21-Record |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | dateOfEstablishment | {'@value': '1931', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Zeitraum', 'description': '1931-'} | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → @value | 1931 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → description | 1931- | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → disambiguatingDescription | Zeitraum | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | dateOfTermination | {'@value': '1974', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Zeitraum', 'description': '1960-1974'} | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → @value | 1974 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → description | 1960-1974 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → disambiguatingDescription | Zeitraum | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | fromLocation | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Schweiz', 'description': 'Geografikum allgemein'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | fromLocation → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | fromLocation → description | Geografikum allgemein | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | fromLocation → name | Schweiz | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | fromLocation → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
001 | literal | identifier | 102127492 | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
001 079$b | URI | isBasedOn | | |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | location | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Osaka', 'description': 'Ort'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | location → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | location → description | Ort | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | location → name | Osaka | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | location → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
enriched by external script | object | name | {'de': ['Schutzgemeinschaft Deutsche Nordseeküste']} | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → cs | [EPMD] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → de | [Schutzgemeinschaft Deutsche Nordseeküste] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → en | [Kings of Rhythm] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → pl | [Kings of Rhythm] | |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | parentOrganization | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Australien', 'description': 'Ueberordnung'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | parentOrganization → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | parentOrganization → description | Ueberordnung | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | parentOrganization → name | Australien | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | parentOrganization → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
110$ab | literal | preferredName | Yuasa-Denchi-KK | Used esmarc function: getName(): get the name of the record |
670$u 035$a | list of objects | sameAs | [{'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}, {'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'K10Plus', 'abbr': 'KXP'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}] | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → isBasedOn | {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @type | Dataset | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → publisher | {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → publisher → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → abbr | DNB | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → preferredName | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
MARC21-Field(s) | Type | field | example | comments |
context.jsonld | URI | @context | | |
001 | URI | @id | | Used esmarc function: getid(): wrapper function for mapping for id2uri |
Event | URI | @type | | |
936 655 082 084 083 | list of objects | about | [{'identifier': {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '915.70483'}, '@id': ''}, {'identifier': {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '917.10456'}, '@id': ''}, {'identifier': {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '917.98043'}, '@id': ''}, {'identifier': {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '919.804'}, '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | URI | about → @id | | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | object | about → identifier | {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '915.70483'} | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → @type | PropertyValue | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → propertyID | DDC | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → value | 915.70483 | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
043$c | list of literals | adressRegion | [XA-PL, XA-RU] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
411$a | list of literals | alternateName | [Symposium of Mathematics and Its Applications] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
enriched by external script | object | category | {'de': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Erstveranstaltung 1920'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ändel_als_Namensgeber', 'name': 'Georg Friedrich Händel als Namensgeber'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'öttingen)', 'name': 'Musik (Göttingen)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Musikveranstaltung in Niedersachsen'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Opernfestspiele in Deutschland'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'öttingen', 'name': 'Veranstaltung in Göttingen'}], 'en': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '1919 establishments in Germany'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Annual events in Germany'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with GND identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with LCCN identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Classical music festivals in Germany'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'George Frideric Handel'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Handel festivals'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Music festivals established in 1919'}]} | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → cs | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Fotbal v roce 1986'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'é_události_v_Mexiku', 'name': 'Fotbalové události v Mexiku'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_světa_ve_fotbale', 'name': 'Mistrovství světa ve fotbale'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'í_světa_ve_fotbale_1986', 'name': 'Mistrovství světa ve fotbale 1986'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_GND', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem GND'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_LCCN', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem LCCN'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_WORLDCATID', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem WORLDCATID'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'éxico', 'name': 'Sport v Ciudad de México'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ře', 'name': 'Sport v Guadalajaře'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Sport v Irapuatu'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ónu', 'name': 'Sport v Leónu'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Sport v Mexiku v roce 1986'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Sport v Monterrey'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'óyotlu', 'name': 'Sport v Nezahualcóyotlu'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Sport v Pueble'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'étaro', 'name': 'Sport v Santiagu de Querétaro'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Sport v Toluce'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → cs → → name | Fotbal v roce 1986 | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → de | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Erstveranstaltung 1920'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ändel_als_Namensgeber', 'name': 'Georg Friedrich Händel als Namensgeber'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'öttingen)', 'name': 'Musik (Göttingen)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Musikveranstaltung in Niedersachsen'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Opernfestspiele in Deutschland'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'öttingen', 'name': 'Veranstaltung in Göttingen'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → de → → name | Erstveranstaltung 1920 | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → en | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '1919 establishments in Germany'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Annual events in Germany'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with GND identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with LCCN identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Classical music festivals in Germany'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'George Frideric Handel'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Handel festivals'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Music festivals established in 1919'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → en → → name | 1919 establishments in Germany | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → pl | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Festiwale muzyczne w Austrii'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'żnej', 'name': 'Festiwale muzyki poważnej'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Salzburg'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → pl → → name | Festiwale muzyczne w Austrii | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → sameAs | | |
008 | literal | dateCreated | 2012-04-28 | Used esmarc function: handle_dateCreated(): get the dateCreated field from the MARC21-Record |
005 | literal | dateModified | 2019-03-17T14:37:00Z | Used esmarc function: getdateModified(): get the DateModified field from the MARC21-Record, date of the last modification of the MARC21-Record |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | endDate | {'@value': '2002', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Veranstaltungsdaten', 'description': '2002'} | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | endDate → @value | 2002 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | endDate → description | 2002 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | endDate → disambiguatingDescription | Veranstaltungsdaten | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
001 | literal | identifier | 712117210 | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
001 079$b | URI | isBasedOn | | |
551 if subfield4==ortg | list of objects | location | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Krosno', 'description': 'Veranstaltungsort'}, {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Warschau', 'description': 'Veranstaltungsort'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | location → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | location → description | Veranstaltungsort | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | location → name | Krosno | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | location → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
enriched by external script | object | name | {'de': ['Internationale Händel-Festspiele Göttingen'], 'en': ['Göttingen International Handel Festival']} | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → cs | [Mistrovství světa ve fotbale 1986] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → de | [Internationale Händel-Festspiele Göttingen] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → en | [Göttingen International Handel Festival] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → pl | [Tydzień Mozartowski] | |
111$a | literal | preferredName | Ausstellung Miȩdzy Mykenami a Bałtikiem | Used esmarc function: getName(): get the name of the record |
670$u 035$a | list of objects | sameAs | [{'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}, {'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'K10Plus', 'abbr': 'KXP'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}] | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → isBasedOn | {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @type | Dataset | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → publisher | {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → publisher → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → abbr | DNB | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → preferredName | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | startDate | {'@value': '2002', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Veranstaltungsdaten', 'description': '2002'} | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | startDate → @value | 2002 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | startDate → description | 2002 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | startDate → disambiguatingDescription | Veranstaltungsdaten | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
MARC21-Field(s) | Type | field | example | comments |
context.jsonld | URI | @context | | |
001 | URI | @id | | Used esmarc function: getid(): wrapper function for mapping for id2uri |
Place | URI | @type | | |
936 655 082 084 083 | list of objects | about | [{'identifier': {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '43341'}, '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | URI | about → @id | | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | object | about → identifier | {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '43341'} | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → @type | PropertyValue | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → propertyID | DDC | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → value | 43341 | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
043$c | literal | adressRegion | XA-DE-BW | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
451$a | list of literals | alternateName | [Basilika Dillingen, Donau, Kollegiats-Stiftskirche Dillingen, Donau] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
enriched by external script | object | category | {'de': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'épartement_Gers', 'name': 'Gemeinde im Département Gers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Ort in Okzitanien'}], 'en': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'All articles to be expanded'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'All stub articles'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles containing Occitan (post 1500)-language text'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles to be expanded from February 2012'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with BNF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with short description'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'CS1 French-language sources (fr)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'CS1 errors: requires URL'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Commons category link from Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Communes of Gers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Coordinates on Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Geography articles needing translation from French Wikipedia'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Gers communes articles needing translation from French Wikipedia'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Gers geography stubs'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pages using infobox settlement with image map1 but not image map'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pages using the Kartographer extension'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Short description is different from Wikidata'}], 'pl': {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ści_w_departamencie_Gers', 'name': 'Miejscowości w departamencie Gers'}} | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → cs | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'španělská_státní_hranice', 'name': 'Francouzsko-španělská státní hranice'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_WORLDCATID', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem WORLDCATID'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_výpočty', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s výpočty'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Železniční_doprava_ve_Francii', 'name': 'Železniční doprava ve Francii'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Železniční_stanice_otevřené_v_roce_1928', 'name': 'Železniční stanice otevřené v roce 1928'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Železniční_stanice_ve_Španělsku', 'name': 'Železniční stanice ve Španělsku'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → cs → → name | Francouzsko-španělská státní hranice | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → sameAs |španělská_státní_hranice | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → de | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'épartement_Gers', 'name': 'Gemeinde im Département Gers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Ort in Okzitanien'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → de → → name | Gemeinde im Département Gers | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → sameAs |épartement_Gers | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → en | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'All articles to be expanded'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'All stub articles'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles containing Occitan (post 1500)-language text'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles to be expanded from February 2012'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with BNF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with short description'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'CS1 French-language sources (fr)'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'CS1 errors: requires URL'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Commons category link from Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Communes of Gers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Coordinates on Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Geography articles needing translation from French Wikipedia'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Gers communes articles needing translation from French Wikipedia'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Gers geography stubs'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Infobox mapframe without OSM relation ID on Wikidata'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pages using infobox settlement with image map1 but not image map'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Pages using the Kartographer extension'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Short description is different from Wikidata'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → en → → name | All articles to be expanded | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | object | category → pl | {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ści_w_departamencie_Gers', 'name': 'Miejscowości w departamencie Gers'} | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → pl → → name | Miejscowości w departamencie Gers | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → sameAs |ści_w_departamencie_Gers | |
008 | literal | dateCreated | 2012-04-18 | Used esmarc function: handle_dateCreated(): get the dateCreated field from the MARC21-Record |
005 | literal | dateModified | 2019-03-17T13:12:00Z | Used esmarc function: getdateModified(): get the DateModified field from the MARC21-Record, date of the last modification of the MARC21-Record |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | dateOfEstablishment | {'@value': '1966', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Erstellungszeit', 'description': '1966'} | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → @value | 1966 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → description | 1966 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → disambiguatingDescription | Erstellungszeit | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | dateOfTermination | {'@value': '1966', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Erstellungszeit', 'description': '1966'} | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → @value | 1966 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → description | 1966 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → disambiguatingDescription | Erstellungszeit | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | description | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Ortenau', 'description': 'Oberbegriff partitiv'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | description → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | description → description | Oberbegriff partitiv | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | description → name | Ortenau | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | description → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
034$d 034$d 034$d 034$d | object | geo | {'@type': 'GeoCoordinates', 'longitude': '012.290850', 'latitude': '049.798029'} | Used esmarc function: getGeoCoordinates(): get the geographic coordinates of an entity from the corresponding MARC21 authority Record |
034$d 034$d 034$d 034$d | literal | geo → @type | GeoCoordinates | Used esmarc function: getGeoCoordinates(): get the geographic coordinates of an entity from the corresponding MARC21 authority Record |
034$d 034$d 034$d 034$d | literal | geo → latitude | 049.798029 | Used esmarc function: getGeoCoordinates(): get the geographic coordinates of an entity from the corresponding MARC21 authority Record |
034$d 034$d 034$d 034$d | literal | geo → longitude | 012.290850 | Used esmarc function: getGeoCoordinates(): get the geographic coordinates of an entity from the corresponding MARC21 authority Record |
001 | literal | identifier | 705485684 | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
001 079$b | URI | isBasedOn | | |
enriched by external script | object | name | {'de': ['Saint-Clar'], 'en': ['Saint-Clar'], 'pl': ['Saint-Clar']} | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → cs | [Canfranc (železniční stanice)] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → de | [Saint-Clar] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → en | [Saint-Clar] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → pl | [Saint-Clar] | |
151$a | literal | preferredName | Ortenau | Used esmarc function: getName(): get the name of the record |
670$u 035$a | list of objects | sameAs | [{'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}, {'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'K10Plus', 'abbr': 'KXP'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}] | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → isBasedOn | {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @type | Dataset | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → publisher | {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → publisher → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → abbr | DNB | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → preferredName | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
MARC21-Field(s) | Type | field | example | comments |
context.jsonld | URI | @context | | |
001 | URI | @id | | Used esmarc function: getid(): wrapper function for mapping for id2uri |
CreativeWork | URI | @type | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | about | [{'identifier': {'propertyID': 'gndSubjectCategory', '@type': 'PropertyValue', 'value': 'gnd-sc#14.4p'}, '@id': ''}, {'identifier': {'propertyID': 'biographicalOrHistoricalInformation', '@type': 'PropertyValue', 'value': 'Opéra-comique in 1 Akt, UA 16. März 1819'}}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | about → @id | | |
enriched by external script | object | about → identifier | {'propertyID': 'gndSubjectCategory', '@type': 'PropertyValue', 'value': 'gnd-sc#14.4p'} | |
enriched by external script | literal | about → identifier → → @type | PropertyValue | |
enriched by external script | literal | about → identifier → → propertyID | gndSubjectCategory | |
enriched by external script | literal | about → identifier → → value | gnd-sc#14.4p | |
246$a 249$b 730$p 400$c 240$p 245$p 730$p 249$a 410$ab 246$b 920$t 740$p 411$a 740$a 240$a 430$t | list of literals | alternateName | [Amanda, Feenreigen] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
500$0 | list of objects | author | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Schneider, Reinhold', 'description': 'Verfasserschaft1'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
500$0 | URI | author → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
500$0 | literal | author → description | Verfasserschaft1 | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
500$0 | literal | author → name | Schneider, Reinhold | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
500$0 | URI | author → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
enriched by external script | object | category | {'de': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Kammeroper'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Musik 1990'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ärchenoper', 'name': 'Märchenoper'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Oper aus dem 20. Jahrhundert'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Oper in deutscher Sprache'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Oper von Gottfried von Einem'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Operntitel'}]} | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → cs | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Filmy Toma Tykwera'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Filmy z roku 2000'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ídá_Wikidatům', 'name': 'Monitoring:Imdb odpovídá Wikidatům'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ČSFD_odpovídá_Wikidatům', 'name': 'Monitoring:ČSFD odpovídá Wikidatům'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_GND', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem GND'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_LCCN', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem LCCN'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátory_WorldCat-VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátory WorldCat-VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ěmecké_dramatické_filmy', 'name': 'Německé dramatické filmy'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ěmecké_romantické_filmy', 'name': 'Německé romantické filmy'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ýly', 'name': 'Pahýly'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → cs → → name | Filmy Toma Tykwera | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → de | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Kammeroper'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Musik 1990'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ärchenoper', 'name': 'Märchenoper'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Oper aus dem 20. Jahrhundert'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Oper in deutscher Sprache'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Oper von Gottfried von Einem'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Operntitel'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → de → → name | Kammeroper | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → en | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': '1907 compositions'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'All articles needing additional references'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles needing additional references from April 2015'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with GND identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with International Music Score Library Project links'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with multiple identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ín_Turina', 'name': 'Compositions by Joaquín Turina'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Compositions for piano quintet'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Works with IMSLP links'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → en → → name | 1907 compositions | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → pl | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '–_przestarzałe_parametry_–_Obraz_infobox', 'name': 'Infoboksy – przestarzałe parametry – Obraz infobox'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ęgi_Domowej', 'name': 'Obrazy Mistrza Księgi Domowej'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Obrazy w Muzeum Zamkowym w Gocie'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → pl → → name | Infoboksy – przestarzałe parametry – Obraz infobox | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → sameAs |–_przestarzałe_parametry_–_Obraz_infobox | |
700 | list of objects | contributor | [{'name': 'BWV'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
700 | URI | contributor → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
700 | literal | contributor → name | BWV | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
700 | URI | contributor → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
008 | literal | dateCreated | 2016-12-14 | Used esmarc function: handle_dateCreated(): get the dateCreated field from the MARC21-Record |
005 | literal | dateModified | 2019-03-17T12:47:00Z | Used esmarc function: getdateModified(): get the DateModified field from the MARC21-Record, date of the last modification of the MARC21-Record |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | dateOfEstablishment | {'@value': '2013', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Erstellungszeit', 'description': '2013'} | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → @value | 2013 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → description | 2013 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → disambiguatingDescription | Erstellungszeit | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | dateOfTermination | {'@value': '2013', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Erstellungszeit', 'description': '2013'} | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → @value | 2013 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → description | 2013 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → disambiguatingDescription | Erstellungszeit | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
260$c 264$c 130$f 362$a | literal | datePublished | Erscheinungsjahr eines Werkes | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
001 | literal | identifier | 87491695X | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
730$p 377$a 130$f 041$a 041$d | list of literals | inLanguage | [ger] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
001 079$b | URI | isBasedOn | | |
022$a 776$x 830$x 773$x 029$a 780$x 730$p 490$x 022$a 810$x 811$x 800$x 022$a 785$x | list of literals | issn | [Hermetica] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
500$0 | list of objects | knows | [{'name': 'Romanzen und Balladen', 'author': 'Schumann, Robert', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''}, {'name': 'Es fiel ein Reif in der Frühlingsnacht', 'author': 'Mendelssohn Bartholdy, Felix', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | knows → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | knows → author | Schumann, Robert | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | knows → name | Romanzen und Balladen | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | knows → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
551 if subfield4==ortg | object | locationCreated | {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Alcobaça', 'description': 'Herstellungsort'} | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | locationCreated → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | locationCreated → description | Herstellungsort | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | locationCreated → name | Alcobaça | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | locationCreated → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
enriched by external script | object | name | {'de': ['Tulifant']} | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → cs | [Princezna a bojovník] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → de | [Tulifant] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → en | [Piano Quintet (Turina)] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → pl | [Gotajska para miłosna] | |
110$ab 130$f 111$a 100$a 130$f | literal | preferredName | Macht und Gnade | Used esmarc function: getName(): get the name of the record |
enriched by external script | object | publisher | {'location': {'name': ['Sankt Johannes und Martin, Schwabach', 'Hochaltar'], 'type': 'Place'}} | |
enriched by external script | object | publisher → location | {'name': ['Sankt Johannes und Martin, Schwabach', 'Hochaltar'], 'type': 'Place'} | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | publisher → location → → name | [Sankt Johannes und Martin, Schwabach, Hochaltar] | |
enriched by external script | literal | publisher → location → → type | Place | |
500$0 | list of objects | relatedTo | [{'name': 'Hitzig, Julius Eduard', 'sameAs': '', '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | relatedTo → @id | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | relatedTo → author | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | literal | relatedTo → name | Hitzig, Julius Eduard | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
500$0 | URI | relatedTo → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: relatedTo(): produces some relatedTo and other nodes based on GND-MARC21-Relator Codes |
670$u 035$a | list of objects | sameAs | [{'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}, {'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'K10Plus', 'abbr': 'KXP'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}] | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → isBasedOn | {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @type | Dataset | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → publisher | {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → publisher → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → abbr | DNB | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → preferredName | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
MARC21-Field(s) | Type | field | example | comments |
context.jsonld | URI | @context | | |
001 | URI | @id | | Used esmarc function: getid(): wrapper function for mapping for id2uri |
Thing | URI | @type | | |
936 655 082 084 083 | list of objects | about | [{'identifier': {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '579.5677'}, '@id': ''}] | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | URI | about → @id | | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | object | about → identifier | {'@type': 'PropertyValue', 'propertyID': 'DDC', 'value': '579.5677'} | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → @type | PropertyValue | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → propertyID | DDC | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
936 655 082 084 083 | literal | about → identifier → → value | 579.5677 | Used esmarc function: handle_about(): produces nodes based on RVK, DDC and GND subjects |
550 | list of objects | additionalType | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'COP-Coated Vesicle', 'description': 'Oberbegriff allgemein'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 | URI | additionalType → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 | literal | additionalType → description | Oberbegriff allgemein | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 | literal | additionalType → name | COP-Coated Vesicle | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
550 | URI | additionalType → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield(): reads some subfield information and builds some nodes out of them, needs an entity mapping to work |
450$ax | list of literals | alternateName | [Bierpalast] | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
551 if subfield4==ortg | list of objects | areaServed | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Westafrika', 'description': 'Wirkungsraum'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | areaServed → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | areaServed → description | Wirkungsraum | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | areaServed → name | Westafrika | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | areaServed → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
enriched by external script | object | category | {'cs': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_přeložené_z_dewiki', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články přeložené z dewiki'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_přeložené_z_enwiki', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články přeložené z enwiki'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_GND', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem GND'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_LCCN', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem LCCN'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_MA', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem MA'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátory_WorldCat-VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátory WorldCat-VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'čtí_tvorové_a_rasy', 'name': 'Mytičtí tvorové a rasy'}], 'de': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Biblisches Thema'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Buch Ijob'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Christliche Mythologie'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ämonologie', 'name': 'Dämonologie'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'üdische_Mythologie', 'name': 'Jüdische Mythologie'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Mythologisches Tier'}], 'en': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Animals in the Bible'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles containing Hebrew-language text'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with FAST identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with GND identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with LCCN identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with short description'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Book of Job'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Christian legendary creatures'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Hebrew words and phrases in the Hebrew Bible'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Jewish legendary creatures'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Mythological monsters'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Short description matches Wikidata'}], 'pl': [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Judaizm'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ł_Bułhakow', 'name': 'Michaił Bułhakow'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Mityczne istoty'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Postacie literackie'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Stary Testament'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Symbole'}]} | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → cs | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_přeložené_z_dewiki', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články přeložené z dewiki'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_přeložené_z_enwiki', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články přeložené z enwiki'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_GND', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem GND'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_LCCN', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem LCCN'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_MA', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem MA'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátorem_VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátorem VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'Články_s_identifikátory_WorldCat-VIAF', 'name': 'Monitoring:Články s identifikátory WorldCat-VIAF'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'čtí_tvorové_a_rasy', 'name': 'Mytičtí tvorové a rasy'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → cs → → name | Monitoring:Články přeložené z dewiki | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → cs → → sameAs |Články_přeložené_z_dewiki | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → de | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Biblisches Thema'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Buch Ijob'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Christliche Mythologie'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ämonologie', 'name': 'Dämonologie'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'üdische_Mythologie', 'name': 'Jüdische Mythologie'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Mythologisches Tier'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → de → → name | Biblisches Thema | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → de → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → en | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Animals in the Bible'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles containing Hebrew-language text'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with FAST identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with GND identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with LCCN identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with WorldCat-VIAF identifiers'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Articles with short description'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Book of Job'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Christian legendary creatures'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Hebrew words and phrases in the Hebrew Bible'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Jewish legendary creatures'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Mythological monsters'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Short description matches Wikidata'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → en → → name | Animals in the Bible | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → en → → sameAs | | |
enriched by external script | list of objects | category → pl | [{'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Judaizm'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': 'ł_Bułhakow', 'name': 'Michaił Bułhakow'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Mityczne istoty'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Postacie literackie'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Stary Testament'}, {'@id': '', 'sameAs': '', 'name': 'Symbole'}] | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → @id | | |
enriched by external script | literal | category → pl → → name | Judaizm | |
enriched by external script | URI | category → pl → → sameAs | | |
551 if subfield4==ortg | list of objects | contentLocation | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Paris', 'description': 'Streckenpunkt'}, {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Istanbul', 'description': 'Streckenpunkt'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | contentLocation → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | contentLocation → description | Streckenpunkt | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | contentLocation → name | Paris | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | contentLocation → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
008 | literal | dateCreated | 2012-04-18 | Used esmarc function: handle_dateCreated(): get the dateCreated field from the MARC21-Record |
005 | literal | dateModified | 2019-03-17T12:54:00Z | Used esmarc function: getdateModified(): get the DateModified field from the MARC21-Record, date of the last modification of the MARC21-Record |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | dateOfEstablishment | {'@value': '1169', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Zeitraum', 'description': '1169-1275'} | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → @value | 1169 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → description | 1169-1275 | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfEstablishment → disambiguatingDescription | Zeitraum | Used esmarc function: startDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (start) for a date-mapping produces an date-Object for the startDate-field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | object | dateOfTermination | {'@value': '1275', 'disambiguatingDescription': 'Zeitraum', 'description': '1169-1275'} | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → @value | 1275 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → description | 1169-1275 | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
548 if subfield4==datl or datx | literal | dateOfTermination → disambiguatingDescription | Zeitraum | Used esmarc function: endDate(): calls marc_dates with the correct key (end) for a date-mapping produces an date-object for the endDate field |
679$a | literal | description | heterooligomerer Proteinkomplex aus sieben Untereinheiten in der Hülle von coated vesicles | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
551 if subfield4==ortg | list of objects | fromLocation | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Sowjetunion', 'description': 'Geografikum allgemein'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | fromLocation → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | fromLocation → description | Geografikum allgemein | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | fromLocation → name | Sowjetunion | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | fromLocation → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
001 | literal | identifier | 700389350 | Used esmarc function: getmarc(): gets the in regex specified attribute from a Marc Record |
001 079$b | URI | isBasedOn | | |
551 if subfield4==ortg | list of objects | location | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Düsseldorf', 'description': 'Ort'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | location → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | location → description | Ort | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | location → name | Düsseldorf | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | location → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
enriched by external script | object | name | {'cs': ['Behemot'], 'de': ['Behemoth (Mythologie)'], 'en': ['Behemoth'], 'pl': ['Behemot']} | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → cs | [Behemot] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → de | [Behemoth (Mythologie)] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → en | [Behemoth] | |
enriched by external script | list of literals | name → pl | [Behemot] | |
551 if subfield4==ortg | list of objects | participant | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Wales', 'description': 'Beteiligte'}, {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'England', 'description': 'Beteiligte'}, {'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Irland', 'description': 'Beteiligte'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | participant → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | participant → description | Beteiligte | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | participant → name | Wales | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | participant → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
150 | literal | preferredName | Fusarium oxysporum vasinfectum | Used esmarc function: handle_preferredName_topic(): get the preferredName of an Topic |
551 if subfield4==ortg | list of objects | relatedTo | [{'sameAs': '', '@id': '', 'name': 'Elsass-Lothringen', 'description': 'Verwandter Begriff'}] | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | relatedTo → @id | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | relatedTo → description | Verwandter Begriff | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | literal | relatedTo → name | Elsass-Lothringen | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
551 if subfield4==ortg | URI | relatedTo → sameAs | | Used esmarc function: get_subfield_if_4(): gets subfield of marc-Records and builds some nodes out of them if a clause is statisfied |
670$u 035$a | list of objects | sameAs | [{'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}, {'@id': '', 'publisher': {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'K10Plus', 'abbr': 'KXP'}, 'isBasedOn': {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''}}] | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → isBasedOn | {'@type': 'Dataset', '@id': ''} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → isBasedOn → → @type | Dataset | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | object | sameAs → publisher | {'@id': '', 'preferredName': 'Deutsche Nationalbibliothek', 'abbr': 'DNB'} | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | URI | sameAs → publisher → → @id | | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → abbr | DNB | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |
670$u 035$a | literal | sameAs → publisher → → preferredName | Deutsche Nationalbibliothek | Used esmarc function: getsameAs(): produces node out of the MARC21-Record for KXP, DNB, RISM and others. |